From the ongoing Hollywood scandal over “pay for play” inscription at Universities…
It is often noticed by under-privileged students that there seems to be preference given to wealthy applicants to USA universities. The rich can afford special preparatory academies, and their children often pad their resumes with doubtful “accomplishments”.
An example…
Olivia Jade Giannulli revealed that when she was applying to colleges, she "wasn't fully aware of what was going on," and had been living in a bubble where paying a college recruiter was the norm.
"When it first happened I didn't look at it and say, 'Oh my God like how dare we do this?' I was like, 'Why is everybody complaining? I was confused what we did.' That's embarrassing to admit," she said, adding that she was a good high school student, but didn't deserve to be at USC.
“Living in a bubble” is broad, and “entitled” usually connotes a “Karen” type.
Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people's behaviors.
Is there a better phrase or idiom to describe a person who lives a privileged life, and is unaware of how unjust that actually is?