In this sentence should I use Apostrophe as s's or s'? I am always confused with what exactly the rule behind s' and s's. The sentence is:

Hours later Fadnavis's resignation, the the NCP-Congress leaders combined met Governor and staked claim to form the Government.

Fadnavis is the name of the Chief Minister (for your understanding)

  • what is the correct form: Fudnavis's or Fadnavis'
    – jags
    Commented Nov 28, 2019 at 5:46
  • Avoid saying “the below X” because this can sound stilted and even borderline unnatural to native speakers. Instead say “the following X” in especially formal written contexts, or merely this X” in the singular or these Xes” in the plural in many common and less exacting circumstances. Sometimes English-language learners don’t realize that they should use the demonstrative determiners this, that, these, those which native speakers customarily use for these cases.
    – tchrist
    Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 17:19

1 Answer 1


On the use of so-called 'zero genitive', marked by a simple apostrophe in spelling ('), as opposed to the 's genitive, Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech and Svartvik specify in A Comprehensive grammar of the English Language (pp. 320 & 321) that:

In addition to its normal use with regular plurals such as boys', the 'zero genitive' is used to avoid repetitive or awkward combinations of sounds in the following cases:

(i) with Greek names of more than one syllable that end in -s, as in:

Euripides' /di:z/ plays, Xerxes' army, Socrates' wife

(ii) with many other names ending in /z/, where in speech zero is a variant of the regular /ɪz/ genitive. There is vacillation both in the pronunciation and in the spelling of these names, but most commonly the pronunciation is /ɪz/, and the spelling is an apostrophe only. (In the following examples, the minority form is given in parentheses.)


Burns' (Burns's) poem

Dickens' (Dickens's) novels

Jones' (Jones's) car


/ˈbɜ:nzɪz (bɜ:nz)/

/ˈdɪkɪnzɪz (ˈdɪkɪnz)/

/ˈdʒəunzɪz (dʒəunz)/

Names ending in other sibilants than /z/ have the regular /ɪz/ genitive: Ross's /ˈrɒsɪz/ theories. However, Jesus and Moses normally have the zero form of the spoken genitive, /ˈdʒi:zəs/ and /ˈməuzɪz/, and are written Jesus' and Moses' (as well as Jesus's and Moses's).

(iii) with fixed expression of the form for . . . sake, as in for goddness' sake, for conscience' sake, where the noun ends in /s/.

Fadnavis presumably does not end with a /z/ sound but with /s/, just like Ross in Quirk's example, and therefore should form its genitive with 's, giving Fadnavis's.

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