On the use of so-called 'zero genitive', marked by a simple apostrophe in spelling ('), as opposed to the 's genitive, Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech and Svartvik specify in A Comprehensive grammar of the English Language (pp. 320 & 321) that:
In addition to its normal use with regular plurals such as boys', the 'zero genitive' is used to avoid repetitive or awkward combinations of sounds in the following cases:
(i) with Greek names of more than one syllable that end in -s, as in:
Euripides' /di:z/ plays, Xerxes' army, Socrates' wife
(ii) with many other names ending in /z/, where in speech zero is a variant of the regular /ɪz/ genitive. There is vacillation both in the pronunciation and in the spelling of these names, but most commonly the pronunciation is /ɪz/, and the spelling is an apostrophe only. (In the following examples, the minority form is given in parentheses.)
Burns' (Burns's) poem
Dickens' (Dickens's) novels
Jones' (Jones's) car
/ˈbɜ:nzɪz (bɜ:nz)/
/ˈdɪkɪnzɪz (ˈdɪkɪnz)/
/ˈdʒəunzɪz (dʒəunz)/
Names ending in other sibilants than /z/ have the regular /ɪz/ genitive: Ross's /ˈrɒsɪz/ theories. However, Jesus and Moses normally have the zero form of the spoken genitive, /ˈdʒi:zəs/ and /ˈməuzɪz/, and are written Jesus' and Moses' (as well as Jesus's and Moses's).
(iii) with fixed expression of the form for . . . sake, as in for goddness' sake, for conscience' sake, where the noun ends in /s/.
Fadnavis presumably does not end with a /z/ sound but with /s/, just like Ross in Quirk's example, and therefore should form its genitive with 's, giving Fadnavis's.