In the SciFi world of Artificial Intelligence, a "positronic brain" (conceived by Isaac Asimov) was used to create the AI for Sunny in the movie I, Robot and for Data in Star Trek TNG. SciFi is modern myth, which meets one of your criterion.
From your example of audio processing, it doesn't seem that you mean "Internet" only, but "tech" as a whole. "Positronic" AI is certainly tech-myth, meeting even more of your criteria.
"Positronic" is an adjective, yet another one of your criterion.
Being largely ficticious (theory at most), people would know that your use of "positronic" is not literal and others should quickly catch the meaning of your inventive figure of speech, even if they hear it for the first time.
Examples of proposed use:
It was beyond perfect, it was positronic.
I met this positronic guy yesterday; I think I'm in love.
With connections to SciFi already mentioned, "positronic" carries a connotation as being ideal, perfect, and kind, the "angelic holiness" of circuitry. While both SciFi stories had their malevolent positronic AIs (VIKI and Lore) the "tragedy" of those stories is that a positronic circuit should result in a benevolent AI, all the more underlining that "positronic" inherently carries more than its positive-benevolent connotation from fiction, but also should live up to its etymological root: positive.
Positronic brain | Wikipedia