In the following sentence which is correct to use? And or or?

"I have the choice between Tony or Samantha" "I have the choice between Tony and Samantha."

1 Answer 1


"Between" must be used with "and." Hence,

I have a choice between Tony and Samantha.

is correct.

However, since we're referring to a choice here, "or" too makes sense. But, "and" is the best bet if you're confused about which one to choose since "and" would be correct grammatically.

Also, I think the article "a" is more suited here.

Hope I answered your question.

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  • Jason Bassford, you can use "or" with "between" when you talk about choices. It's not contradictory. It's an option to not restrict yourself to "and."
    – Mike
    Commented Mar 10, 2019 at 20:38

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