Is there a term to describe a goal which it's unlikely will ever be fully achieved, but should be aimed for anyway?
E.g. "All business processes should be fully documented" is a great goal to have. It's also a pretty unrealistic expectation that this goal could ever be met when the shear number of processes this should cover, tied to the fact that processes change over time so would need the documentation to constantly be updated, is taken into account.
Despite 100% adherence being unlikely it still makes sense to have this goal in mind; since any work towards that goal makes things better / is a step in the right direction.
I like to make it clear when asking for such things that I realise that the request is impossible, since otherwise stating such goals is more likely met with arguments that the 100% achievable piece is impossible, rather than the focus being on making improvements in this general direction.
I've historically used terms like "Utopian Vision" for this, but suspect there's better wording available.