I am writing a motivation letter for an American graduate school and want it to be as formal as possible. I came across with stick in one's mind.

My professor has been stuck in my mind due to his great style of teaching.

Is there any formal synonym/alternative which connotes the same?

2 Answers 2


It depends how fulsome you want to be. Some possibilities that occur to me are:

  • made a great impression
  • made an unforgettable impression
  • has been a standing inspiration
  • Never thought of "impression". It's, indeed, a good choice at this point. Thank you very much! Commented Feb 3, 2018 at 12:07

Excuse my intemperance tone here, the expression "formal writing" does imply you are obliged to annoy your audience by attempting to prove you are smarter than they. High-quality formal writers employ simple words and simple sentences when those suffice for their needs.

  • Yes. You're right. Simplicity is the most important things in such writings. But I think it is really not a good idea to use idioms/slangs, even though they may have a direct connotation, in a formal writing. Commented Feb 3, 2018 at 12:06
  • Slang not. Simple idioms with exactly the right meaning? I would, but then I write fiction. Commented Feb 3, 2018 at 12:39

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