I have been using the word strawman to describe source code that is extremely simplified or contrived to illustrate some syntax or usage of something where the actual source code is irrelevant and the contrivance is not important much less a negative connotation.
I want to convey that the specific example is not relevant as a discussion point for criticism and that the focus is the syntax usage of the annotations that start with @
without having to give a long disclaimer. That said, it is for StackOverflow so either one is probably a waste of time since 99% of the time over there people do not read for comprehension.
Here is a(n) ?????? example:
I would like to replace the word strawman with something more semantically positive. This is just showing how to use the annotations, the actual code is irrelevant. Pseudo is not semantically correct here as this is actual correct executable code.
Here is a strawman example:
@JsonCreator() public static Item construct(@JsonProperty("col1") String col1, @JsonProperty("col2") String col2) { this(col1, col2, col1 + col2 + "some other stuff"); } private Item(final String col1, final String col2, final String col3) { this.col1 = col1; this.col2 = col2; this.col3 = col3; }
I have researched here and the general internet and can not find anything suitable. I would even accept a non-English term if it was semantically what I am looking for.
is not executable code in any specific language, I specifically explain why this word is semantically not correct in my question.