I understand that the only difference here is about tense and punctuation, for example, in B, "[;] you country has not". The word "rule" will always be omitted or is D also possible?

A. My country has rules, while yours has not.

B. My country has rules; your country has not.

C. My country has rules, while your country has not.

D. My country has rules, while your country has not rules.

D sounds utterly wrong because it does not use zeugma.

I am sorry if this question has been asked before. If so, I am trying to find it.

1 Answer 1


It's optional, not incorrect, to resay "rules".
Also, I would suggest using "does".
I put the optional parts in brackets:

  1. My country has rules, while yours does not [have rules].
  2. My country has rules; your country does not [have rules].
  3. My country has rules, while your country does not [have rules].

edit: more acceptable sentences:

  1. My country has rules, while yours has none.
  2. My country has rules; your country has none.
  3. My country has rules, while your country has no rules.

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