Specifically, I want to know the word most often used in debates and the such.
Let's say two individuals are arguing about God. One of them asks something like,
"Then how do you explain...?"
The other responds with something like,
"God could do... or..."
One could, and the opposing individual likely would, label that answer as a
"_____ answer/argument"
Another example: the one individual may say,
"How did Moses survive on the mountain, if he didn't eat or drink?"
The other may respond with,
"God could have kept him alive."
The opposing individual may then respond with,
"That's a _____ answer," (I think)
denoting how convenient that answer is because of course God could do that, but that really doesn't have much explanatory power. I think it describes how you could use the argument that "God did it" to describe pretty much anything and it would be seemingly valid, so it ultimately isn't a good or satisfying answer.
The blank word means something to the effect of "conveniently desirable" or "all-encompassing" or "easy" or "thoughtless (due to the answer being all-encompassing)" or "conveniently effective".
Basically, the word describes how convenient and "golden-hammer"-like the answer is and how it ultimately doesn't answer the question, as you ask the question to attempt to gain an (at least partial) explanation for the thing they end up providing as the answer.
Although, maybe I don't understand the word entirely. No, the word is not circular (I know that in that last bit, that's the word I described, but it's not the word I'm looking for). It's bugging me. I've heard it used in debates, but I can't easily find it.
Edit: I should have explicitly stated this: the word is a single word, not a phrase. I really don't think that the word is a highly rare one, or a "scholarly" one like tautology. Unfortunately, this may be a word that you wouldn't necessarily expect to be used in this way (even though it is perfectly valid and is certainly used in this way) and one that would be extremely difficult to find just by searching synonyms (though, I could be wrong).
An example of a word that is like that is "humor" as in "humor me". This is fairly irrelevant, but I once couldn't think of the word humor to mean "giving me indirect permission to continue by feigning interest" as in, "Why are you telling us this story?" "Why are you humoring me by engaging with the telling of the story?" I could not find that word through synonyms. The word I'm now seeking may be similar in this way (that it can't be easily found in synonyms and that the definition of the term being used is not the most common one). Hopefully this helps.
Edit: The answer is "cop-out". See my own answer below.