How can I remove the repeated "will be" in this sentence?
Jack Shepard will be the Project Manager and Harry Gold will be the Superintendent onsite. Nicole Sanders will be the office administrator for this project.
It's perfectly normal to say:
Jack Shepard will be the Project Manager, Harry Gold the Superintendent and Nicole Sanders the office administrator for this project.
Alternatively, you could use respectively:
Jack Shepard, Harry Gold and Nicole Sanders will be, respectively, the Project Manager, Superintendent and the office administrator for this project.
That's where lists work well ...
- Project Manager: Jack Shepard
- Superintendent (onsite): Harry Gold
- Office Administrator: Nicole Sanders
Or, in sentence form:
The positions will be: Project Manager - Jack Shepard; Superintendent (onsite) - Harry Gold; Office Administrator - Nicole Sanders
I like the others so far, but I'll throw my hat in the ring:
The project's positions are going to include Jack Shepard as the Project Manager, Harry Gold as the Onsite Superintendent, and Nicole Sanders as Lead Administrator.