A saviour arrives in the form of Imperator Furiosa, one of Joe’s de facto generals and a trusted war-rig driver, who is planning to help the warlord’s unwilling brides escape from the Citadel. Though the presence of a strong female lead has ruffled some more reactionary feathers, Charlize Theron’s Furiosa is brilliant as the film’s fearsome centre of gravity, commanding the screen and dominating the fight scenes. Max, who was the unrivalled principal in the previous films, is surprisingly good at sharing the screen. This is partly because he spends much of the movie saying nothing, and what he does utter comes out in a voice rather like the unintelligible rumble Mr Hardy brought to Bane in “The Dark Knight Rises”. "Each of us in our own way was broken," he rasps. "It was hard to know who was more crazy: me or everyone else." And it is partly because, having started the film as a frenetic ball of survival instinct, he only blossoms into something recognisably human—and comes into his own—at around the hour mark.

I searched the meaning of the phrase "(ruffled some more) reactionary feathers"; but couldn't find its meaning.

I guess it means to spark controversies or to trigger noises.

Would you help me understand its meaning?

  • Ruffle: to disturb the smoothness or regularity of; ripple. Feather is used metaphorically and to ruffle reactionary feathers means to disturb/annoy the reactionary spirit as the wind may ruffle the feathers of a bird.
    – user66974
    Commented Jun 4, 2015 at 8:00

1 Answer 1


ruffle someone's feathers is an idiom

From Oxford:

Cause someone to become annoyed or upset:

this sudden rise ruffled the feathers of the old guard

You sentence modifies this a bit to indicate that the people who got upset were reactionaries.

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