Sinophobia specifically describes fear of all things Chinese. Is there a word specifically to describe hatred (not fear) against a particular race? Right now I'm using anti-Chinese sentiment, but that is really clunky. Perhaps a new word made from the combination of the prefixes "miso" (indicating hatred) and "sino"? Perhaps missinogy? I am writing an essay on Chinese discrimination.
4 Answers
Sinophobia works.
The suffix -phobia means
Extreme or irrational fear or dislike of a specified thing or group: arachnophobia, Russophobia
While the original root of phobia is from the Greek phobos or fear, as a suffix, it more often means hostility rather than fright, as in homophobia
(mis-o-gal'ik), a. [Gr. /uaeiv, to hate, + E. Gallic] Disliking the French; hostile to the French. [Rare.] -The Century dictionary and cyclopedia, with a new ... v.6 M-O.
This is the best answer, please vote for it. Phobia can be used to mean hatred as well, as the accepted answer says, but miso- is more precise. Commented May 10, 2014 at 2:23
1@Cerberus I would fully agree if this answer would indeed give an actual answer to the question, instead of a suggestion as to how to get to that answer. This answer does not tell me what hatred of Chinese would be, unless the Chinese are French and/or female. Commented May 10, 2014 at 13:07
@oerkelens: Well, I suppose mentioning misosiny should be mentioned explicitly, but surely people will figure it out? Commented May 10, 2014 at 14:52
"Bigotry" (or "Bigot") is a generalized term meaning - "hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)".
Or possibly just "Racism" (or "Racist") - defined as "the belief that some races of people are better than others.
andanti-Chinese sentiment
are equivalent in meaning I belive.