"Every coin has two sides" or "there are two sides to every story" is often over-used and may even come off as cliche-sounding. I will of course use them still if that's what I really want to say.

However, in the spirit of curiosity, I want to find an existing academic-sounding equivalent of this concept.

To be more specific, what I don't like about it is how wordy it is. I want to reduce the core message to just 2-4 words.

My first thought was to use Latin to convey the core message, but perhaps that's not within the English SE periphery. Just for illustration, here is a somewhat common usage of Latin in English-language publications: chaos begets chaos

abyssus abyssum invocat

How can I shorten or otherwise make "there are two sides to every story" more academic sounding?

  • Dual-sided story or event...
    – Ram Pillai
    Commented Feb 3, 2021 at 6:51

2 Answers 2


The Latin expression:

Audiatur et altera pars

(literally, let the other side also be heard) is a relatively common exhortation, in English contexts, to keep in mind that there are two sides to every story.


Perhaps flip side is what you're looking for

The opposite side

“The flip side of retrospectively savaging the loser is beatifying ... the winner” (Charles Krauthammer).

[American Heritage Dictionary]

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