I am working on my paper in English. It concerns the so-called problem of perception. The concept of the problem of perception is part of epistemological literature about perception; some argue that as long as we have illusions, hallucinations etc. our ordinary conception of perception is false. I am trying to show that the argument is incorrect itself. Since perception itself, as a phenomenon, does not 'suffer' from any such problem but, as I argue, the mentioned argument does, I think it would be useful to emphasize this in the title. This seems due for against the background of the 'infallibility' of perception itself the falsity of the argument will become more salient. So far I have had this version as a working one:

Is the "Problem of Perception" a Problem of Perception?

As I understand, article "the" supports there the meaning of a specific epistemological problem the reader is familiar with, and article "a" that of one problem of the possible many of perception itself. Yet am not sure that the articles actually support the meaning I would like to express by the title. So here is my question:

Does the above combination of articles, 'the' and 'a', respectively support the intended meaning?

  • 1
    The title would be correct with lower case articles "a" and "the." However, I don't care for it; I don't think it conveys very well the concept you explained. Commented Apr 9, 2017 at 5:02
  • My question was not supposed to be considered on the matter of its theoretical soundness but with respect to its grammatical aspect. I clearly stated that the question is about the proper usage of articles--whether the articles support the intended meaning or not. The obvious answer here is either yes or no rather than 'it is primarily opinion-based'. The latter just conflates the two aspects, confusion.
    – Giorgi
    Commented Apr 10, 2017 at 10:34
  • By this I would like to elaborate on my previous comment. The idea in question is that the concept of the Problem of Perception as is (in epistemological literature) is due to erroneous ways of thinking about perception. This is not 'a matter of opinion' but a matter of research. Again my question was whether the articles sequence support that idea in the working title. Here an obvious answer is yes or no, not 'a matter of opinion'.
    – Giorgi
    Commented Apr 10, 2017 at 11:35
  • 2
    The question could also be closed as seeking proofreading. Commented Apr 10, 2017 at 23:25
  • 1
    perhaps, but it is closed for other not this reason, which is fact. sadly, my current experience here is that people entitled to close a question do not bother to follow the meaning of what is asked.
    – Giorgi
    Commented Apr 12, 2017 at 12:38

1 Answer 1


Yes, the articles are used correctly for your context. You might want to consider keeping the outside the quitation marks.

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