I have noticed that, with certain kinds of problems - political problems spring to mind - some people (who are not in a position to make decisions about the problem) are prone to suggesting a certain kind of non-solution. These solutions are along the lines of "I know how to fix problem X. Let's enact law Y, which has only a small impact on X, but severely punishes group Z, whom I hold personally responsible for (causing/failing to solve/objecting to my preferred solution to) the problem."
I think this is akin to, but not equivalent to, schadenfreude. The act of suggesting solutions is much like kibitzing, but kibitzing is intended to be neutral-to-productive, whereas the word I'm looking for would be explicitly about negativity. Is there a word for it?
EDIT: Let's try this somewhat anonymized example. "The best way to close the deficit is to confiscate the profits of politicians who give paid speeches about their 'great service'."
Here's another one that I made up: "There should be a law that slow people lose their driver's license for life."
Another: "People who litter should get their garbage delivered right onto their front lawn."
- If we don't critically reason about the statement at all, then it works;
- If we think about it too much, then it's quickly clear it can't work or is totally infeasible;
- The speaker knows that it's infeasible, or at least thinks so; it is not a genuine attempt to solve the problem;
- It rains righteous punishment on those that are either at fault, or failing to improve the situation;
- The audience is expected to enjoy listening to the statement; the statement isn't targeted at anyone present, but at third parties who aren't in the room.
(If you think any of the above are reasonable statements, then please don't comment about it. I'm not here to start arguments, just to try and find a word.)