Yes, you may reword the sentence to use resulting, but that's not a progressive "form" (really, tense) of the verb. It's the present participle. The progressive forms of the verb to result sound a bit odd since a result is a conclusion. Let's try to run for contrasting examples:
Past progressive (main verb):
Stockbrokers were running around in a panic during the stock market crash.
Notice that although it's the present participle, it has formed a past tense verb referring to past time. Of course, it could form a present tense verb, are running.
Present participle (modifying Stockbrokers):
Stockbrokers running around in a panic caused the stock market crash.
Notice that although it's the present participle, it doesn't refer to present time (or time at all): it describes the state of the brokers. Presumably, the running around took placing before and during the crash, which is over.