I have seen a tendency online for a lot of communities - especially ones in various creative arts, populated primarily by amateurs - to want to be so welcoming that they frown on any sort of criticism, constructive of otherwise, because it's not seen as being welcoming. I am trying to find a word or short phrase that captures this tendency, specific to creative communities rejecting any sort of criticism whatsoever.
This is different than a community that is merely supportive; this is in regards to a community that is supportive to a fault and does not allow for any sort of constructive criticism that would help members of the community to grow and improve.
The closest I've seen is "hugbox," but that is an incredibly ableist slur, and is also used in other senses as well (often a casual dismissal of a supportive community, or as a form of "groupthink" which is also not the same thing).
Clarification: What I'm talking about is this sort of behavior:
Person A: Here's a song I made. Tell me what you think!
Person B: The music itself is pretty good, but the overwhelming effect processing on the vocals makes it difficult to understand what the singer is singing.
Person C: B, please don't be so negative. We're trying to build a positive community here. A, your song is fine the way it is.