While working in IT, it is common to refer to a quick and dirty solution to a problem as a 'Hack'.
For example, if your chair legs are uneven, a hack for this problem would be to place a piece of paper underneath one of the legs such that it compensates for the difference in length to the ground.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, it is also possible to Overengineer a solution and create a chair that universally accommodates uneven floors.
Would there be an elegant one syllable word that describes the latter undertaking?
I had a look around online on other websites and 'Splicing' was suggested, as it refers to the joining of strings rather than 'Hacking' them apart (Messily). Personally I think this term has already been used too much in genetics and icecreams and was hoping for an alternative.
Edit: An example of usage for such a word would probably be: - in the context of a Hackathon of some kind, one would say "This isn't a hack, it is *****" or if someone degrades your work you'd say "I'm not hacking, I'm *****ing"
or something along those lines.