I'm not sure if there is a clear answer to this. Is the "collect & return delivery cost" included in the $15 fee or is it impossible to tell? Could it be fixed with a serial comma?

"All unsuccessful repairs are refunded minus a $15.00 fee for the engineer's time and the collect & return delivery cost."

  • Don’t use an ampersand. Spell it out.
    – tchrist
    Commented Jun 25, 2013 at 14:21

1 Answer 1


The language is ambiguous. It could mean

All unsuccessful repairs are refunded minus a $15.00 fee (for the engineer's time and the collect & return delivery cost)

or it could mean

All unsuccessful repairs are refunded minus a $15.00 fee (for the engineer's time) and [an additional fee deducted for] the collect & return delivery cost

An inquiry is needed to be sure.

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