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“It is they who lied” or “it is them who lied?”

Why does "most of..." take an object pronoun, such as them, and not they? Do all prepositional constructs do this?


1 Answer 1


It's because when a single pronoun follows a preposition it's in the accusative case.

  • 2
    Right. In fact, they only occurs as the subject of a tensed clause; for any other use, them is the preferred form. Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 20:08
  • @JohnLawler, even when used as a predicate nominative? I think that may be true for spoken English, but for written, it seems a little unusual.
    – thang
    Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 20:33
  • 1
    It was they at the door? Naah. Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 20:36
  • 1
    @thang. When a personal pronoun is the subject predicative of a clause it is normally accusative. For example, 'Who’s making all that noise?’ ‘I’m not sure, but I think it must be them again.’ However, it is in the nominative when it is postmodified, as in It is they who are to blame for this. Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 20:53
  • That's a pet peeve of mine. Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 22:02

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