If I am expecting an answer from a question and wish to state my prediction, do I need to use quotes around a simple "yes" or "no"?

I think the answer is no. / I think the answer is "no."

That would be a yes. / That would be a "yes."

Potential end cases:

Why would he say, "No"?

The votes are in; three yeses and four nos.

The options are yes or no; not "maybe."

  • 2
    Good question. I myself would say "The answer is no." But let's see what others say.
    – Robusto
    Commented Apr 18, 2011 at 14:39
  • @Robusto: That is what I want the answer to be... but mostly just for brevity. I hate wrapping one small word in quotes.
    – MrHen
    Commented Apr 18, 2011 at 14:51
  • @MrHen: That is exactly why most people agree with you and leave out the quotation marks, or so I believe. I'd leave them out in most contexts. Perhaps I'd add them if I wanted to emphasize that I was indeed quoting someone. Commented Apr 18, 2011 at 16:11
  • 1
    @Robusto: Heh. I find it worth looking at what other people/styles do. My personal preferences don't always mesh with the rest of the world's use of English. (Especially when it comes to punctuation.)
    – MrHen
    Commented Apr 18, 2011 at 16:33
  • 1
    @MrHen: Chambers, it say "yes(s)es". So either goes, though for no good reason at all I prefer the single 's' version.
    – user1579
    Commented Apr 28, 2011 at 2:01

7 Answers 7


Unless there's a style guide telling you otherwise, I'd suggest basing your decision on whether you mean the literal words 'yes' and 'no', or the general nature of the response. Consider:

Why would he say, "No"? (For that is the word that he said.)


Why would he say no? (What he actually said was "Over my dead body", but let's not worry about that detail.)

  • +1 Precisely. Use quotation marks to quote; if not, don't.
    – msanford
    Commented Apr 18, 2011 at 23:32
  • Works for me. This is pretty close to what I would have guessed.
    – MrHen
    Commented Apr 20, 2011 at 19:17
  • The common trends to use quote-like structures in report structures, and drop commas around quotes, are not liked by some people. He said "Hello" to the children. He said hello to the children. His answer was "No." His answer was no. Commented Oct 20, 2012 at 10:56
  • Still, I can't see that someone could ever say: Why would he say, "No"? Commented Jan 14, 2020 at 2:22

In both the answer is no and say no, quotes are relatively uncommon. The Corpus of Contemporary American English gives these results:

the answer is no        484 hits
the answer is " no       27 hits (including punctuation variants)

[say] no               8891 hits
[say] " no "            521 hits (including punctuation variants)

However there are only 10 yesses and 30 yeses, so you might want to reword that one (perhaps The votes are in: 3 in favor and 4 against).

My subjective impression is that it is better style to omit the quotes. Your style, of course, is up to you.

  • Good note on the "yesses" and "yeses". My instinct is to use the double-s but I apparently am not consistent about it. :P
    – MrHen
    Commented Apr 20, 2011 at 19:18
  • @Jason Orendorff, did you include italics as a punctuation variant? If so, could you fill me in on how to search for italics in the Corpus of Contemporary American English? Just curious...
    – DyingIsFun
    Commented Nov 2, 2015 at 22:59

From The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition:

13.40. Single-word speech. Words such as yes, no, where, how, and why, when used singly, are not enclosed in quotation marks except in direct dis­course. See also 6.69.

  • Ezra always answered yes; he could never say no to a friend.
  • Please stop asking why.
  • “Yes,” he replied weakly.
  • Again she repeated, “Why?”

6.69. Direct and indirect questions. <...> When a question within a sentence consists of a single word, such as who, when, how, or why, a question mark may be omitted, and the word is sometimes italicized.

  • She asked herself why.
  • The question was no longer how but when.

Personal opinion? Put the quotes. This is what they’re there for: to distinguish between the meaning of the word, and the word itself (“ceci n’est pas une pipe”).

For comparison, consider

The answer is affirmative.

Here, “affirmative” is a word that signifies that the answer is positive / “yes”. But the word “yes” itself is not synonymous with “affirmative” in this usage. I may affirm an answer by saying “yes”. But I cannot yes an answer to affirm it.

But unfortunately popular writing usually seems to oppose my conviction. That is, in most novels such short expressions are rarely put between quotes even though they are a fragment of direct speech.

  • I'm trying to capture a vague thought flitting around in my head: what about the article? "His answer was a yes." That's not quite the same as "His answer was 'yes'." Or is it?
    – RegDwigнt
    Commented Apr 18, 2011 at 17:15
  • @Reg I don’t think that there is a tangible difference with regards to quoting. Logically, this would mean that (at least in this instance, “a yes” is equivalent to “affirmative” … but really we are using in article “a” to refer to the word (as a stand in for an answer) “yes”). But as I’ve said I’m in the minority here. Commented Apr 18, 2011 at 17:44

A handbook of style will tell you that the simpler, cleaner format is usually better, and is becoming more universally accepted.

My instinct would be that you would only want to use quotes if you want to make it explicitly clear that you are quoting an exact, phonetic utterance. Notice the two elements of the criterion:

  1. You are quoting a phonetic utterance.
  2. You want to make it very clear that you are.

Otherwise, just say no to quotes.

  • ELU prizes answers that are supported by linked and attributed references. Answers of the form "The dictionary says ..." are unconvincing, often biased, and sometimes erroneous. Can you please endorse your claim by adding at least one supporting quote (a blockquote would be better formatting than inverted commas here). Commented Jan 14, 2020 at 17:25
  • "Answer was 'no'." — correct; gives clean sense.
  • "Answer was no." — incorrect; meaning unclear.
  • I'm not sure what your above answers are answers to. If they are answers to a question, then by your judgement, any instance of reported speech, where the reported content is a paraphrase of the original quote and may be more or less accurate, might be termed incorrect. Commented Oct 20, 2012 at 10:53

To quote from Grammar Girl (emphasis added),

  • "If you are directly quoting someone, put the word in quotation marks."
  • "If you are indirectly quoting someone, don't put the word in quotation marks."

Here are some examples:

  • The cat smiled and said, "Yes."
  • "No," I replied, "he is unavailable."
  • I hoped the answer would be yes, she could go.
  • In so many words, I had to tell him no.

In the last two examples, the words "yes" and "no" summarize the nature of the response, but do not necessarily reflect any spoken words.

  • << I hoped the answer would be yes >> gives rise to a problem. Commented Jan 14, 2020 at 17:21

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