In the following sentence:
Since there are many row values at each step of the process, one approach we thought about is to aggregate all the row values into a single value
What is the alternative of one “we thought about” in academic writing?
In the following sentence:
Since there are many row values at each step of the process, one approach we thought about is to aggregate all the row values into a single value
What is the alternative of one “we thought about” in academic writing?
Since there are many row values at each step of the process, one approach we considered was to aggregate all the row values into a single value
Since there are many row values at each step of the process, one approach we contemplated was to aggregate all the row values into a single value
examined or scrutinised would also work.
Some other options Since there are many row values at each step of the process, one approach we evaluated was to aggregate all the row values into a single value.
Assessed and surveyed would also work
In your sentence, all the following verbs and phrasal verbs will make sense:
Mull over
Chew over