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Sudhir Jonathan
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
"I don't think that that can be done"
Possibly by those who use phrases like 'the second is preferred' :D
Why does this sentence sound odd? "Live blogs that are a breeze to write, a pleasure to read and are actually updated in real-time."
Yeah... I'd say the same thing, which is why I think is second version is grammatically correct. I was wondering the first version sounded better in my head :D
Why does this sentence sound odd? "Live blogs that are a breeze to write, a pleasure to read and are actually updated in real-time."
I'm just re-writing it to something simpler, but I wanted to know why this sounded wrong to me...
Why does this sentence sound odd? "Live blogs that are a breeze to write, a pleasure to read and are actually updated in real-time."
You're right about the feeling coming from the disparity in structure. I'm just changing the entire line to something simpler, but it's good to know why it felt wrong.