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Literary term for implied meaning

There is a mode in Arabic literary rhetoric (balāgha) for a statement that is true in itself, but the intended message is implied by the phrase "secondarily", but is not directly represented in the structure of the phrase: (kināyah)

-- what is the word for this in English?

e.g. "There is a 'far' drop from her earing [to her shoulder]" = she has a graceful long neck. or, "his campsite leaves copious amounts of ashes" = he's very generous (many cooking fires) or, "Honour tossed its saddle into the courtyard of the family of Talha, and never moved on." and, "They lower their 'superfluous' glances--whenever he appears--from an august personality, beloved in the hearts." * sounds better in Arabic

its like innuendo or double entendre but not meant in any sort of derogatory or sarcastic way. Rather as stylistic praise.

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