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Whats the analogy for when something dawns on you or gets bigger as you go on with your life (kind of like a problem) [duplicate]

I'm writing a paper and trying to find an analogy for when something gets bigger as time goes on. For context, I'm writing about how as you progress further into your 20s, the fear of failure becomes ...
user479662's user avatar
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Analogy of people observing something from different viewpoints without recognizing it's the same thing

I'm seeking to find this analogy which I vaguely recall. A group of four or five different people are blindfolded and touch different parts of... something. I seem to recall that it was an animal, ...
LShaver's user avatar
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7 answers

Metaphor for conflict of interest

I'd like a metaphor/allegory which depicts a situation where one is compelled to not act. As an example (of such a situation), a company CEO, surrounded by and probably partial towards protecting ...
Dale Newton's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Is there a SPORTS PHRASE [in particular, one relating to “soccer”] similar to "make sure all our bases are covered"?

The expression mentioned in my question’s title is a baseball reference, of course, which I fear could potentially limit its understandability to only those English speakers who are familiar with that ...
Engineer's user avatar
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