When you stop feeling a sensation after repeated exposure, you have been inured, (which can carry a negative connotation, like inured against the world’s suffering), or developed tolerance for that thing (in the language of addiction).
When you no longer feel pleasure doing the same thing, in psychology, they call that hedonic adaptation, meaning, pleasure is sometimes like a finite currency which gets spent and then exhausted (for food, sex, and so on). The chronic condition of no longer feeling any pleasure is called anhedonia.
Doing the same thing too many times in a short period might cause it to become displeasurable, because you have exceeded past homeostasis, or, the organisms’s need to maintain equilibria of various sorts, such as hunger, temperature, energy, salt levels, and so on.
In common language, you can say “you’ve had enough”, you’re “full”, “done”, or just that you “don’t want anymore”.
I can brainstorm more ways to express this, like that “your will has been appetized.”
Walt Whitman greatly said about school, “I liked it so much, I didn’t feel any need to go on,” implying that he dropped out, not because he didn’t like it (more likely), but tongue-in-cheekily, claiming that it was he liked it so much, he was contented.
In Swedish, the word lagom means “just right” - we can compare that to something which is not “just right”, but has been stuffed, or is engorged, like geese which are force fed with tubes to fatten their livers, making foie gras. Shakespeare wrote, “this overflows the measure” (the measuring cup), to mean, “this is excessive, beyond the point of indulgence.”
And there are many ways and directions I could go on. I think ennui, or boredom, comes close to what you describe - the casual, vacant feeling of “same-old”, “day-in, day-out”.
But as a speaker of English, I’m not sure we have a set phrase we truly use, but get by with circumlocution, since it’s such a well-known concept - many times I have heard people say, “I listened to it so many times I can’t listen to it anymore.” That really is the most natural way to say it.
The words apathy and indifference also come to mind.