I'm not sure if I'm using the correct terminology in my subject line, but I'm trying to figure out why the following two sentences do not seem correct to me:
But, if the larva is female, then it could become a worker having many jobs or an egg-laying queen.
He leaves his egg and is fed royal jelly by average females called workers for the next three days.
In the case of number 1, I feel drawn to setting off "having many jobs" with commas, but it doesn't seem right because this is an essential part of the sentence. Is the sentence fine as written or is there another reason it may feel "off" to me that I'm unable to name at present?
On number 2, it's the "called workers" part of the sentence that is bothering me. Again, I'm drawn to setting it off with commas, but it is essential, so that can't be right. I guess the sentence just feels too cluttered and confusing without some sort of pause for clarity in between. I need to explain the proper grammar to a student, but have been unable to pinpoint why these two sentences don't feel quite right.