This company publicized ————— as inventions and discoveries.
What they propose as an invention is just a —————.
I am looking for a word/phrase meaning unfounded view/idea/claim or untrue innovation/discovery.
Hoax is a possibility.
Per Merriam-Webster, it means:
something accepted or established by fraud or fabrication
believes the Loch Ness Monster is a hoax
This company publicized pipedreams as inventions and discoveries.
What they propose as an invention is just a pipedream.
Pipedream (n.)
An illusory or fantastic plan, hope, or story M-W
Pipe dream (n.)
An idea or plan that is impossible or very unlikely to happen:
Her plans are not realistic - they'll never be more than a pipe dream. Cambridge
One sense of phony fits:
phony [/phoney] [adjective]: 1. not real or genuine; fake; counterfeit
- a phony diamond
[• the phoney war]
- something that is phony; a counterfeit or fake