In The Winter's Tale, it is written:
Cam[illo]. Sicilia cannot shew himselfe ouer-kind to Bohemia: They were trayn'd together in their Child-hoods; and there rooted betwixt them then such an affection, which cannot chuse but braunch now. Since their more mature Dignities, and Royall Necessities, made seperation of their Societie, their Encounters (though not Personall) hath been Royally attornyed with enter-change of Gifts, Letters, louing Embassies, that they haue seem'd to be together, though absent: shooke hands, as ouer a Vast; and embrac'd as it were from the ends of opposed Winds. The Heauens continue their Loues.
I looked up attorney in a dictionary but methinks Wiktionary's definitions do not describe the meaning of this verb in this context. What does attorney mean in this passage?