I don't know if this juice is too sugary or too [little] sugary.

What word should I use to convey this meaning? I could use an antonym of the word:

I don't know if this juice is too sugary or too unsugary.

But in this case "unsugary" is just a made-up word since there is no good antonym and this sentence isn't as good as the first sentence.

A third option, which still isn't as good as the first sentence, is:

I don't know if this juice has too much sugar or too little.

1 Answer 1


You want the phrasing "not [adjective] enough."

I don't know if this juice is too sugary or not sugary enough.

Alternatively, you can use the antonym of your desired adjective.

I don't know if this juice is too sugary or too [bland/dilute/flavorless].

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