How do we pronounce the Gaelic name McLeod?
Does any Gaelic name have a specific pronunciation? For the continental European it is a real nightmare.
How do we pronounce the Gaelic name McLeod?
Does any Gaelic name have a specific pronunciation? For the continental European it is a real nightmare.
The English pronounce McLeod "Mack Loud" with the emphasis on the second syllable. If you make the effort to leave out the vowel in the first syllable entirely, that is good enough for most Scots, though the c should really sound like the ch in 'Bach'.
There are subleties beyond that, but probably not worth worrying about for your purposes. (All regions and languages have their own subtleties, and unless you can listen to a native, it is probably futile to worry about getting any name 'absolutely right' (let alone the differences in Scottish v Irish, Highland v Lowland, West Coast v East Coast... right down to those gravel-chewing barbarians at the bottom of the hill v the vowel-strangling snobs at the top.))
Assuming the Gaelic spelling is Mac Leòid, in Ireland that would be 'Mack Layoh-dge'.