If possible, I would like some help with the following sentence:
This vision demands that heterogeneous services, peripherals and platforms are provided with an expanded set of security guarantees to prevent third-party services from hijacking the platform, resource-level access control and accounting and strong isolation between running processes to prevent unauthorized access to third-party services and data.
This sentence expresses three necessary requirements to achieve a vision. The requirements are not all the possible requirements but all three are necessary. These are: (i) an expanded set of security guarantees, (ii) resource-level access control and accounting and (iii.) strong isolation. Written as-is there is some ambiguity/difficulty in parsing "...hijacking the platform, resource-level access control and accounting and strong isolation..." and the sentence could be improved. There are two reasons why I avoid splitting the requirements up as above: (1) I need this sentence in an abstract, so there is a character limit. (2) I feel like doing so makes it seem like the list is exhaustive, which it isn't.
Any idea on how to best tackle this?