In French we have specific words to mean
- "take plaintext and transform it into encrypted data": chiffrer
- "take encrypted data and, knowing the key, decrypt it": déchiffrer
- "take encrypted data and, without knowning the key, decrypt it (via brute force or whatever)": décrypter
We would not be French if there was not a web site dedicated to this question: Note that the word crypter does not exist (the counterpart of the existing décrypter)
I was wondering if there are similar differences in English, spcifically between the words "to encrypt" / "to decrypt", "to cipher" and "to encode" / "to decode".
Wikipedia seems to use encrypt and decrypt as the equivalent of my two first versions.
Cipher (used as a verb by extension of the noun) seems to be a kind of encryption (substitution). Encode is rather the action to transform something into something via an algorithm.
My question is especially around the concept of "decrypting without a key" which I cannot find a word for.