"It is a mistake to assume that every concept imaginable can be expressed by a unique word."
Let's review that again:
"It is a mistake to assume that every concept imaginable can be expressed by a unique word."
Yup, it's perfectly correct.
OP, you're asking a "how do I write this sentence in my short story" question. There's no SWR. Here's a few random common-ish phrases that might fit.
empty chatter
devoid of substance
lacking content
All of which you can google for exemplars.
Single words that may work include
But the key point is that it is a mistake to assume that every concept imaginable can be expressed by a unique word.
Further, it's a mistake to confuse the act of writing or speaking an excellent description of a specific quality in the actual specific situation or events (fictional or factual) of which you are writing or speaking, with, finding "a word" that fits that very specific quality; to put it more briefly, there comes a point where one has to write, not just thesaurusize.
When, say, Richard Bach writes, say, The river was wine beneath our wings to begin a story, there is no SWR ("The river was profound ..."? "The river was dramatic ..."? "The river was spiritual ...?" "The river was intoxicating ...?"); he had to Actually Write.