Is it correct to use will twice in the following sentence?
When you will come to see me we will have dinner together.
Is it correct to use will twice in the following sentence?
When you will come to see me we will have dinner together.
There is no general rule against using "will" twice in the same sentence. However, your sentence is incorrect because adverbial clauses with when do not usually use the modal will. To indicate future time within a when-clause, use the simple present:
When you come to see me, we will have dinner together.
Words like will are often repeated for emphasis. In addition, the repeated word is often emphasized vocally:
You will come to see me, we will have dinner, and I will convince you to move back here.
Is that what you're thinking of? If so, you can get the same effect by dropping the first will in your sentence and emphasizing when instead:
"I hope I make it back here," she said. "I'd like to see you again."
"Not if, but when," I said confidently. "When you come to see me, we will have dinner together."
You could say, "Oh, when WILL you come to see me; we'll have dinner together then." but that's really stretching it. The semicolon should be a question mark, the contraction should not be used and if you want to get technical, I believe you are to substitute the word "shall" for "will" as in "Oh, when WILL you come to see me? We shall have dinner together."
Drop the first will or it is just ugly, no need for the punctuation mark or the we. The we is implicit.
We will have dinner together when you come to see me
? And it also has no comma in it. :)
Sep 9, 2011 at 16:19