On rare occasions, you are in a situation where a simple Thank You seems like you're undermining the other person's help. You know, instances where you are too grateful to express your feelings of gratitude. When this happens face to face (or even over the phone) your body language/voice carry that feeling and the other person understands the full gravity of your expression.
However, many a time, all you have is online/email interface for expression. And words are all you can use. So my question(s) is(are):
- Is there a superlative form of Thank You which one can make use of in such cases?
- Will you advice using the same during face-to-face(or voice)?
- Which is the highest degree of gratitude you have seen/expressed?
- Is there any chance that the other person might think you are exaggerating?
(If you are wondering about the last question : see my comment (3rd one) below this SO answer. Its not that there are no good books/authoritative articles/sources on theory of Object Oriented Programming. I have read few, if not many, of them. And I do feel strongly about the answer the user has given. But at the same time, I don't want to overdo it)
The depth of gratitude ... any other forms of words
. I am asking about what words to use, not what to express.