This is a single-word/idiom/phrase/expression-request, so basically I'll take anything that fits the bill.
I'm trying to translate the Chinese word 吹牛 - which dictionaries will tell you means to brag/to boast- but it actually also refers to things that are usually all untruths and lies.
I thought, originally, that one of the translated words would work: he's just bragging (i.e.: it's not, actually, true) - but the definitions provided by Google/Oxford only say:
say something in a boastful manner
a boastful statement
[v] boast:
- talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.
- (of a person, place, or thing) possess (a feature that is a source of pride).
synonyms: brag, crow, swagger, swank, gloat, show off, blow one's own trumpet, sing one's own praises, congratulate oneself, pat oneself on the back; exaggerate, overstate; preen oneself, give oneself airs; [informal] big, blow hard, lay it on thick, shoot one's mouth off; skite, big-note oneself
[n] boast:
- an act of talking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction.
There's not realy anything talking about lies.
So, is there an apt idiom/word/phrase (a verb) that captures the idea of bragging and lying at the same time?