In the phrase Can't afford to spend any more time, I am not sure if I need a space between any and more.

I have checked two sources including the Cambridge dictionary and Grammarly. They suggest the following:

Any more is A determiner
It is similar to some more and describes an indefinite quantity of something.

Would you like any more tea?

Anymore = adverb It means 'no longer' or 'in the past, but not now'

The cost of electricity is not cheap anymore.

So, in the phrase, Can't afford to spend any more time, which would you use?

There is an indefinite quantity of time, so based on the examples above it would be 'any more'. But then, the phrase also implies that they had time in the past but no longer, so does that mean it would be 'anymore'?

Also, does it make a difference if you are using American or British English, as the Cambridge link kind of suggests that anymore applies more to American English?

  • When "any more" is used in a noun phrase, as in any more time, it is a DP (determinative phrase) where "any" modifies "more", and they are treated as two separate words. The adverb "any more" found in I don't want to go there any more, is written as two words in BrE but one ("anymore") in AmE
    – BillJ
    Commented Dec 21, 2016 at 16:38

2 Answers 2


The key to understanding which is correct has less to do with indefiniteness and more to do with what each of the parts of speech are.

Can't afford to spend any more time

is the correct construction. Here, you have an adverb any modifying an adjective more, which itself modifies a noun time.

  • Would it be different for British English vs American English?
    – big_smile
    Commented Dec 22, 2016 at 10:23
  • 1
    I believe it would be the same for British English, yes.
    – TriskalJM
    Commented Dec 22, 2016 at 11:24

From Any more or anymore? on the Cambridge Dictionary website...

Any more as a determiner

We use any more as a determiner to describe ‘an indefinite quantity of something’. Any more is similar to some more. Some more is more common in affirmative statements; any more is more common in questions, in clauses with if and in sentences with negative words such as hardly, never, scarcely:

Would you like any more tea?

Any more as an adverb

Any more is also an adverb and has the meaning of ‘no longer’ or ‘in the past but not now.’ In this meaning, we use it in end position:

We don’t go to Cornwall on holiday any more. (We used to go in the past but not now.)

Especially in American English, any more, as an adverb, can be written as one word, anymore:

He doesn’t cycle anymore.

Personally, I'd rarely if ever use the single-word form, just as I tend to stick with any time rather than anytime. But I'm a Brit - and per the bolded text above, that's probably relevant.

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