Is anything man a word (noun)?
Is there a synonym or a better word?
Context (my emphasis):
After college he was working for Fawcette Technical Publications (as anything man - design, editing, helping plan the conferences like VBITS and VSLive!).
Is anything man a word (noun)?
Is there a synonym or a better word?
Context (my emphasis):
After college he was working for Fawcette Technical Publications (as anything man - design, editing, helping plan the conferences like VBITS and VSLive!).
Though anything man is not a common term, some good synonyms are:
"Anything man" is not an established idiom that I've ever heard. However, within the context that you've provided its meaning is readily deduced as referring to someone who does anything, so I would say that you should feel free to use it.
Try Polymath instead, it is much nicer. Also according to this even if it was possible to have such phrase then it would be "Everything Man" but not "Anything Man"
What about handyman?
handyman (noun) - a man skilled in various odd jobs and other small tasks.