If a tourist is guided through a city by a tour guide, what would be the term to use to refer to that tourist as a function of the guiding? Best I can come up with is guided one, but that sounds a bit bland. Are there any better terms for this? I'm looking for a term that can be used in a context where the term is the only thing that indicates guidance.
some context about the guidance:
The guide has a subordinate role, providing sensory information and advice to the person being guided. The person being guided is less a follower and more a master, but I don't want to use the term master because that feels too much like slavery. It's also not really a student/teacher relationship, because the information flows the wrong direction for that. Essentially, the guide has a role somewhere between mentor and assistent, and it's that role that I want to reflect in the term.
"The [Word] was suddenly stopped by the tour guide".
"The [Word] was accompanied by his guide animal."
"The [Word] was on a tour of the building he helped fund."
"A [Word] can only receive guidance from 1 ancestor at a time." (context that I want to use it in in my book).
"A [Word] has heightened senses and an increased capacity for both abstract and logical thought."