Is there a single word that means "unhappy about one's appearance"?
E.g., Anne of Green Gables was very unhappy about her hair and never missed an opportunity to try to dye it.
Is there a single word that means "unhappy about one's appearance"?
E.g., Anne of Green Gables was very unhappy about her hair and never missed an opportunity to try to dye it.
self-conscious, according to
Being self-conscious goes beyond just being aware of yourself — when you're self-conscious, you constantly question the way you appear to others
Expanding on the OP's example:
Anne is very self-conscious about her hair. She is always trying new shampoos and conditioners and experimenting with new styles.
A person who is self-conscious about their weight may or may not be too heavy (or too thin) but they think they are.
It is difficult to find such a word but try stress
to feel very worried or anxious about something.
"Anne of Green gables was very stressed about her hair."
I couldn't find a single-word for it. If it's a disorder, it might be:
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is an anxiety disorder that causes a person to have a distorted view of how they look and to spend a lot of time worrying about their appearance.
It also explains the following: