Below are excerpts from well-known English-language media.
Forty-four percent of people who were interested in going to college said they were worried about not finding a job after they finished.
Kasich also provided some life lessons to the young people in the crowd, including those worried about not finding a job after earning a college degree.
A Peking University law student who was worried about finding a job and set up a noodle shop last month has become a social media sensation.
They also were worried about finding a job to pay off tens of thousands of dollars of student debt.
“I knew I wanted to fix stuff since I was a little kid.” He says he is not worried about finding a job.
Career Services was also present, hoping to help students who are worried about finding a job after graduation.
They have the construct "to be worried about ~ing" in common.
I believe the writers are all native speakers of English and, surprisingly to non-native speakers of English, they seem to be saying it exactly the other way round when, in fact, they mean the same thing. I was really wondering which of the contradicting expressions would be correct.
Many thanks in advance.