I don't get the meaning of the example expression "I am parked out back." in bold below. Does this mean "I'm in my car and somebody parked just behind me?"
In linguistics, predicate transfer[1] is the reassignment of a property to an object which would not otherwise inherently have that property. Thus, the expression "I am parked out back" conveys the meaning of "parked" from "car" to the property of "I possess a car". This avoids incorrect polysemous interpretations of "parked": that "people can be parked", or that "I am pretending to be a car", or that "I am something which can be parked". This is supported by the morphology: "We are parked out back" does not mean that there are multiple cars; rather, that there are multiple passengers (having the property of being in possession of a car).
EDIT Sorry, now that I got the meaning of the phrase, I don't get the part "conveys the meaning of 'parked' from 'car' to the property of 'I possess a car'". "Convey" is usually used like "convey [some message] to [somebody], right? It doesn't make sense when I try to understand the phrase this way. Could anyone explain the meaning of this? Or should I post this as another question?
EDIT I found that "convey" has another meaning that is "transport or carry to a place," but it doesn't still make sense.
Does this
the expression "I am parked out back" conveys the meaning of "parked" from "car" to the property of "I possess a car"
mean this?:
the expression "I am parked out back" transfer the meaning of "parked" from "car" to the property that is "I possess a car"
Property that is "I possess a car" of what? There's not a phrase "I possess a car" in the original example "I am parked out back"?