I'm looking for a word which means a particular kind of feeling, of "quiet agreement".
Not being a poet, this feeling is difficult to describe in general. But I can give an example where this has occurred to me, which I think is common enough that anyone on StackExchange might be able to relate to:
I see a comment on a picture or an answer to a question here in StackExchange. The question has a couple of answers, the best of which answers it satisfactorily.
Then there is an answer with a score of -2 and it is very incomplete, maybe even inappropriate. But it somehow aligns with my thoughts, I want to upvote it but I'd rather it didn't gain too many points because it is after all not a good answer per SE's guidelines.
The same would go with a racy comment somewhere: I want to -- and will -- upvote it but it'd really be best if its score stays negative. In other words, I wouldn't wish a bad answer to succeed, or be utterly destroyed, but to fail gently.
Is there a word for this kind of sentiment?