I seek to embiggen my lexicon. Does anyone know of an obscure/archaic/unusual English word-of-the-day (with authoritative (preferably OED) definition) RSS feed?

  • I've found the OED WotD feed, but a fleet survey shows it contains generally everyday language.

  • The Phrontistery is interesting, but it appears to be dead, and doesn't feature a feed of words.

  • Wordsmith's A Word A Day comes close, with some quite rare words. Anything else like this?

  • "Help me learn English" questions are generally considered off-topic here.
    – Marthaª
    Commented May 18, 2011 at 16:23

1 Answer 1


You could subscribe to Michael Quinion's magazine here. That's a weekly, though, although it does have plenty of rare words.


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