My preferred term for this is being economical with the truth, i.e. giving "the truth" and "nothing but the truth"... but not "the whole truth". Wikipedia link.
This is based on the definition for economical being:
- using the minimum required
which leads to the whole phrase meaning (from the Wikipedia link):
to avoid revealing too much of the truth
Unfortunately, the phrase "economical with the truth" can be (Wikipedia again):
used ironically to mean outright lying
and in my experience this is the far more common usage.
So, although I like the phrase, and would use it to mean "someone giving some truth, but not the whole truth", many people would interpret it to mean outright lying. In fact, reading further down the Wikipedia page it would appear there was a libel case in which someone was accused of libel for saying someone lied, when the actual words used were "economical with the truth", and an expert witness "felt that lying had become the default meaning".