One or two, one, a Palindrome.
The palindromes could be a word or phrase which are read the same to one side or the other. In spanish is hard but not that much, remember that you say in spanish the same as you read, I mean:
Anilina - anilinA
Sometemos - sometemoS
Se es o no se es
In English:
Redivider - redivideR
God! a dog!
Never odd or even.
But in this case could be just the sound because, clearly teach - cheat are not written the same as for the palindromes, it should be:
teach - hcaet
Two, I think from what I've read that you could call it anagram, that's a rearranging of the letters of a word to form another:
Made - Dame
teach - cheat
And not as palindrome which should be JUST the inverse with no rearrange.
You could read about almost the same question here: Palindrome-anagram
Hope it helps.