There are two different thoughts that one could be trying to express here.
Suppose that the kinds of resources that are under consideration are A, B, and C. Somebody could be wondering whether all three of them are necessary, or only A and B, or only B and C, or only B, etc. The first formulation ('how many') would express that well. The person who is asking that question would not be concerned with the quantity of each of them that would be needed. The 'how many' question could be asked even if A, B, and C don't come in different quantities at all.
On the other hand, if A, B, and C come in different quantities, somebody may want to know, not only which of them will be needed, but also how much of A (fifty tons, ten gigabytes), how much of B, etc. will be needed. The 'how much' question expresses that, although it would be better to formulate it as 'how much of the resources is necessary'. Note that that the questions of the 'how much' sort are meaningful only if the resources in question are something that comes in different quantities.