There is a wall near my house where this phrase has recently been graffitied -
Only God judge me
My reaction to this (!) has been to realise that most similarly-constructed phrases I can think of use the indicative mood:
Only my dog loves me;
Only his partner tells him what to do;
Only swimming relaxes me;
Only a fool worries about the niceties of English usage.
Clearly, the graffiti is not using the indicative mood. My research suggests that it's using the jussive (mandative,declarative) mood. If this is the case, I'm wondering whether both of the following can be understood with equal validity, or whether, one of them only is the usual meaning:
1) (the author believes that) Only God has the authority/ability to judge him/her (i.e. Only God can judge)
2) (the author permits that) Only God may judge him/her