In this situation, where "The Committee" is a group of roughly 9 men, which sentence would be correct? (One man from the group did something)
Does the rest of The Committee know of this? Do the rest of the Committee know of this?
In this situation, where "The Committee" is a group of roughly 9 men, which sentence would be correct? (One man from the group did something)
Does the rest of The Committee know of this? Do the rest of the Committee know of this?
This is s British English/American English issue, I should think:
Does the rest of The Committee know this?
The Committy is subject of the sentence; the word rest is the adverb since it tells us more about the committee: there are more members in it.
The verb conjugation follows the subject, here being The Committee, which is a singular third person (one can refer to the committee it as "it")
The third person singular of the verb "to be" conjugates as: DOES.
Hence, the right way of writing here is: Does the rest of The Committee know this?
I hope this helps you out?